Once upon a time (a few weeks ago), I sat down at my kitchen table and had a chat with my biz buddy David Siteman Garland (creator of Create Awesome Online Courses) to discuss my experience growing my ACAC fam over the past year.
Right off the bat, he asked how ACAC was doing. Numbers-wise.
Instead of sharing the bottom line (becaaause #moneyblocks)…I bashfully hid behind a little math problem: “Well, we’ve got about 300 students, and the course is $999, sooooo…..”
In other words: Pleeease don’t make me say it.
After math class, we continued to have a super-valuable conversation on the ins and outs, ups and downs of my journey to leveraging ACAC in a bigger way. It was lovely.
And then, in true dude (DSG) style, he chose to go with THIS headline when he published the interview this week:
#o.m.gee. *cue the monkey hiding eyes emoji*
I woke up to that baby tagged on my Facebook wall and thought, “WELP. Cat’s outta THAT bag!”
I’d been resisting a “year two in review” post for over a MONTH for this very fear of sharing, and BOOM – in one click of the publish button, David helped me (pushed me?) clear RIGHT on through that wall.
And for that I’m VERY thankful.
Why? Because friends don’t let friends play small. (Tweet that!)
(And by “play small” I mean hide out in the corner on mute, minimizing the good stuff that SHOULD be celebrated, for fear of what people may think.)
I’m sharing this today to encourage you (+ remind myself):
Whether you recently worked with your first customer, hit “publish” on that sales page, reached a meaningful revenue goal, or even wrote your first blog post this week, please:
Click here to watch directly on YouTube.
Own it. Document it. Talk about it. Roll AROUND in that goodness.
It’s okay to be proud of yourself.
It’s okay to share it.
It’s okay to SHINE. Whatever the hey that means for you.
The response to this interview – the comments, the messages, and texts I’ve received from those who have seen it – has been amazing. So encouraging. So inspiring. And so convicting.
I’ve finally hit a tipping point, realizing how selfish it is to keep wins + stories of potential + possibility quiet when I *know* the impact they can have when shared from a genuine place.
I’ve *seen* that gorgeous impact in my inbox time and time again over the past two years – and yet, it’s been SO easy for me to shrink back and keep to myself + my tight inner circle, out of fear of what others may think if I share.
This whole experience reminded me of something I used to be *so* good about remembering when I first started my business – this beautifully crafted, often quoted reality check from Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
(“This little light of mine,” anyone??)
So here we go, friend. Time for some liberating:
Hi. I’m Nikki. I tripled my revenue in my second year in business by growing my ACAC fam to include hundreds of lovely entrepreneurs from all over the world (funding a school in Guatemala the process!), and I’m pretty dang proud of that.
If you’d like to learn more of HOW it all happened, check out my interview with David right here.
Otherwise, it’s gametime:
Take note of at LEAST one thing you can really be proud of this week.
Now acknowledge + celebrate that thing this weekend, will you?
And for bonus points: Tell me about it! Facebook, Insta, Twitter, the comments below….you pick.
Seriously. See above “friends don’t let friends…” comment.
I’ll get my party emojis ready :)
To good friends, embarrassing fears, and figuring it out all as we go,
P.S. Spoiler alert: David and I are working on lil somethin’ somethin’ for you in early June. If you want to learn more about his course creation strategies AND mine, watch for details later this month! (And if you just can’t wait, start here with his cheat sheet.)
P.P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it!
This post was updated on May 13, 2016.
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