What if…you actually ANSWERED your “what ifs”?

For example:

>> What if I open the cart and nobody buys?

>> What if they disagree with me?

>> What if someone thinks I’m a fraud?

>> What if I’m actually not qualified to do this?

Many folks would suggest you redirect those Qs into positive affirmations and more empowering thoughts.

I don’t actually find that to be helpful / practical.

(Mostly bc our intuition will call us on half-hearted BS *as soon as* it enters our thoughts. Its goal is to guide us to mindFULLness – the true, whole-hearted picture.)

What I find more helpful (in most cases, when I’m ready for it) is to fully FACE the what ifs.

Follow ’em all the way down the track, like this:

>> What if I open the cart and nobody buys?

…I may feel confused or embarrassed. What if I feel confused or embarrassed? I’d process it with friends and my go-to tools in perf timing.

… I’d have to figure something else out or make changes to the product, the offer, the marketing, etc. I’d use that feedback to IMPROVE and try something new.

…I’d have a great comeback story. Like this >> nikkielledgebrown.com/webinar-tips

>> What if they disagree with me?

… I’d feel some feelings. Confused, angry, embarrassed, unsure. Then I’d process with friends and my go-to tools in perf timing.

… I’d have an opp to clarify my thinking. Do *I* disagree with me? Do they have a point?

… I’d learn / remember that someone will, in fact, ALWAYS disagree with me – so as long as *I* genuinely agree with me, I’m set.

…Again – great story and content inspo. Thanks for your service, disagreer!

>> What IF they think I’m a fraud?

…Feelings. See above.

… I’d have an opp to reflect: do *I* think I’m a fraud? If so, what am I willing and able to do about that right now? Do my CLIENTS and customers think I’m a fraud? If I don’t agree, what can I do to help them feel more confident in my ability to serve them well?

…Also: great podcast episode. DONE.

NOTE: This next one is an extreme / dramatic Q, but it’s still worth answering. If you’re reading this, it’s HIGHLY UNLIKELY you’d ever straight up LIE about your qualifications, but still. In case you temporarily lose touch with reality and misrepresent yourself in the marketplace:

>> What IF I actually AM a fraud?

…Feelings. I’d be embarrassed for pretending to be more qualified than I really am. Maybe some old shame or less than stories would creep up to be worked on. And I’d process that accordingly. I’d also make a note to self: Lying / misrepresenting yourself is NOT an effective biz strategy.

… I’d then be inspired to DO THE WORK TO BECOME QUALIFIED and move on with my life. Transformation central.


In all of the above “what if” scenarios, I’d still be okay.

I’d feel some uncomfortable yet temporary feelings, seek support from my inner circle, do the work I’d assign to my own clients + friends, and find the next right step.

Lather, rinse repeat.

Fun bonus (in case you didn’t catch it): the drama of the “what if” scenarios can make for super-entertaining book chapters and instagram posts 😛

Point is – NO BS:

You’re a resourceful human. You’ve got this.

Next time you doubt that, take a beat to talk yourself through HOW and WHY you really, truly do.

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