Since my “back to school” launch of A Course About Copy in August, and really since the launch of my rebranded site last May – I’ve noticed people – friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike, seem to ASSUME I’ve got my stuff together.

That I’m organized. That all this create + launch + write emails + blog posts stuff comes pretty easily to me.

Or that I have a lean, mean team of support handling ALL the nitty gritty details while I purely focus on driving the ship.

That would be an H to the NO, my friend.

I do have a vision to create that reality this year, but in the meantime, things are a bit messy ’round here.

Every time someone assumes I’ve got allll my stuff together, I feel a bit like a 12-year-old early bloomer trapped in the awkward “not a girl, not yet a woman” phase.

(Because everyone assumes she’s 16 and knows everything that comes along with that.)

Do you tell the truth? Smile and nod? Go home and write in your diary about the conflicts of being a tween?

I call it biz puberty.

It’s uncomfortable. And while its expression is unique in each of us, it’s something we all have to go through at one point or another. (Then over and over again as we reach new levels. JOY!)

Let’s talk about how to survive it, shall we?

In today’s special edition video, you’ll learn:

  • The truth about biz puberty (+ how it’s affected my second year)
  • My super-simplified two-step strategy for launching just about everrrything
  • The simplest way to find + connect with potentially great biz buddies
  • One thing you MUST to do (+ I’m SO glad I did!) to make the most of this particular phase
  • An open invitation to take this metaphor and RUN with it ;) #rememberitsafamilyshow

Click below to watch (or take a listen):


Maybe you’re a slow bloomer, and you don’t know WHY your (biz) body won’t catch up already.

Or maybe you’re an early bloomer just trying to manage your assets that seem to have showed up overnight.

Either way, the transition phase (as let your potential + your reality sync up) can be just plain awkward.

With a side of growing pains. And occasional stretch marks.

Biz puberty is real. But you can totally handle it.

1. OWN IT. (“It” being whatever phase you’re in.) Don’t ever feel like you have to pretend you’re further along than you are. As long as you’re delivering great value, people appreciate transparency + honesty. It makes you even more endearing! When paired with attention to detail and a thoughtful brand experience – watch out, honey.

2. DON’T COMPARE. I know it’s hard and kind of human nature. But at least TRY not to measure your success by someone else’s story. Truth is, that “colleague” who seems to have everything you want may very well wish she had YOUR super-engaged (cozy) community to hang out with at the end of the day. And if she doesn’t, that’s fine too. Mind YOUR business.

“Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” – Jon Acuff (Tweet that!)

3. FIND BIZ BFFs. If it weren’t for my “cabinet of friendtors,” I would’ve lost my last marble months ago. Great buddies help the solopreneur thing feel not so solo. If you sense a genuine connection with someone who’s running your speed (or a bit faster), make the first move by reaching out with a sincere compliment and common ground. If she’s feelin’ it, she’ll reply.

4. FIND ANSWERS (AKA useful resources). You used to consult Seventeen magazine to find answers to the Qs you were too embarrassed to ask. Now you can google. Check YouTube. Or follow consult your fave blogs. There’s no excuse to stay in the dark these days, dude. You’ve got the WORLD at your fingertips.

5. DOCUMENT IT! This is a phase. It won’t be like this forever. Keep a “growth chart” and/or journal of sorts to track what you learn + feel as you go. Track your numbers. Six months to a year from now you’ll be SO glad you have documentation of all this. It’s a great way to really SEE how far you’ve come!

Overall, know that if you feel like your POTENTIAL + your REALITY don’t quite match up just yet, you’re not alone.

This is NORMAL. And a great sign of things to come!

It’s gotta happen at every new level as we stretch and grow.

Late bloomer, early bloomer, or totally normal bloomer:

As long as you listen for hunches and do the work, trust that your biz WILL blossom in divine timing.


In the comments below, share:

How do YOU survive the growing pains of your business?

Got an awkward biz puberty metaphor to throw into the ring? ;) LEMME hear it.

Cheering you on from Honolulu!

To the awkward examples to come in the comments below,

P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to see new videos before I’ve had time to turn them into blog posts ;)

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