When I first started my business (which wasn’t so long ago!), I was hesitant to hire help.
Would I find people who could do a better job than me?
(Oh hey, ego and perfectionism.)
What if they start to DEPEND on me for the income?
(Too much pressure! #commitmentphobe)
Wouldn’t it take longer to tell someone EXACTLY what I want than it would to just do it myself?
(Yes, but only at the start.)
I only offered one-on-ones for the first several months of my business (granted – there were hundreds of them), so I tricked myself into thinking I could swing it. All of it.
(Except for web development. I had no problem delegating that goodness right off the bat.)
Then the shift happened.
Toward the end of 2013, I read The Big Leap. I stepped up into create-and-launch-my-first-course mode.
And I finally realized that what “they” said was true:
By holding on to eeeevery unnecessary detail, I was getting in my own way (and burning myself out).
I also realized that if I wanted to meet my self-imposed, publicly declared deadlines, I needed help.
I’ve learned a LOT of dos and don’ts of delegation this year. Still have PLENTY to learn.
This post is my first baby step in sharing it with you.
If you’re also familiar with the “I’m-almost-convinced-but-not-sure-where-to-start” space, let me share exactly WHY and WHAT you may want to start delegating…soon.
In this video, you’ll learn:
Click below to watch (or take a listen):
You didn’t escape the 9-to-5 to work a 24/7. Don’t be a hero. (Tweet that!)
I understand the temptation to keep things as lean and simple as humanly possible.
But does wearing EVERY. single. hat really feel that simple? (Be honest.)
There’s a lot to consider when delegating – finding the right people at the right time for the right price – covering your financial and legal buns with the right forms + contracts, communicating clearly at every step…I’m learning more about those pieces by the DAY, and will happily share in future posts.
All I know for now is that we don’t have to do all (or any) of this alone.
Right this minute, there are thousands of people out there who would LOVE to be paid to do a great job at the VERY task you’ve been avoiding for months.
Ask for referrals from friends, colleagues (even your audience!).
Check with alumni associations, Facebook groups, oDesk + eLance, Fancy Hands, Task Rabbit (haven’t tried ’em, but I’ve heard good things).
Get creative!
Once you’re open to (+ expecting) it, you’ll find that quality support is EVERYWHERE.
I’ve been cheating a little bit.
To-date, most (but not all) of the independent contractors I’ve hired actually found ME first – they were clients, students, or active members of this bright community we’ve got here.
(That definitely made “finding” and trusting them easier than it would’ve been otherwise! I joke that in ACAC Study Hall we’ve got the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker…all needs can be addressed in-house ;))
I’m usually hiring in last-minute, I need help on this NOW mode, which is not ideal, and why I’m turning over a new leaf:
In the next week or two I will post an actual listing for my DREAM assistant – my new right-hand, ride-or-die homie who will be thrilled to serve as an external hard drive for my brain.
(I’ve had Category 5 resistance to sharing this. Because finding the right person is a big deal to me. See the P.P.S. if you think you may be her!)
Bottom line(s): We all need help. And it’s available. The sooner we can admit + act on that, the better off our businesses will be.
Get real and identify some tasks you can let goooo of. Soon.
Make a list of allllllll the things you would need to do to keep your business (and/or life) moving in the right direction.
For example, here’s a mega-list of things I do and/or would LOVE to eventually -okay immediately– delegate (in random as-it-comes-to-mind order):
(And I’m SURE I could think of more.)
While all of THAT is taken care of, I can spend as much designated “work” energy as possible in my zone(s):
Dreamy, right? What does YOURS look like? (Write it down!)
In the comments below, tell me (+ all the highly skilled people listening):
(And for bonus points: What else do you want to hear about on this topic?)
I know there’s a lot of “stuff” around all this. But it’s really important.
To letting it GO + playing in our zones of genius,
P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to see new videos before I’ve had time to turn them into blog posts ;)
P.P.S. If you’re a slightly perfectionistic, delightfully reliable word nerd (who specializes in the content creation, design, and curation items listed above), AND you’ve got plenty of room on your support-crazy-entrepreneurs plate, stay tuned for the listing + application. I’m in the market :)
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