After my first big launch earlier this year, I slipped into what I call a self-imposed income hibernation.

I didn’t consciously REALIZE it until later in the summer, but aside from a few VIP 1:1 sessions I opened up by request, there was literally NO way you could pay me (besides using an affiliate link of some kind) – from March through the last day of JULY.

I was in an entrepreneurial funk. With the (lack of) sales to prove it.

When you work for -and by– yourself, it’s EASY to get stuck in a rut, staying busy with everything but the steps that will actually build momentum (and revenue).

When that happens, we’ve just gotta get back to basics.

At the start of my business I focused on THREE simple steps, and I was profitable in month two.

At the end of the summer I focused on the same three steps, and I had my best month ever. By a HEY of a lot.

Let’s talk about those three simple steps, shall we?

In this video, I’ll share:

  • The 3 steps you MUST take if you want to make money in your business
  • The truth about my business’ humble (low-cost) beginnings
  • Why I slipped into a self-imposed income hibernation for several months after my first big launch
  • A quick but BIG announcement about the current status of ACAC
  • The world premiere of my brand new ACAC mini-product (!)
  • A call to share your brilliance with this community…today

Click below to watch (or take a listen):


If you want to make money with your business, it’s not about doing EVERYTHING.

It’s about doing the right things.

YES it’s important to be thoughtful, intentional, and informed as we build our businesses.

But it’s also important to just START. Somewhere. By providing value.

We can (and WILL) figure out the rest as we GO.

On that note: I really have learned a LOT about all the other stuff – legal, accounting, delegating, etc…this year. Will share those lessons in future blog posts because they’re VERY important! They just don’t have to hold you up or keep you from making money. At all.

Here’s a super-speedy recap of the three simple steps:

1. Create a product, program, or service that solves a problem. It doesn’t have to perfect – you will learn, adapt, and improve it as you go. But you can’t know if you like offering something until you actually start offering it!

2. Be open to receiving money. Literally. Have a simple way for people to PAY you. There’s just something about having a live order form out in the world, right?

3. Tell people about it!(!!) You can’t sell a secret. If you’ve already got your offer + payment system set up, push through the fear and SHARE it.


In the past few months, I’ve created a full SUITE of offers to help you communicate your brilliance with the folks who need it most, and for the first time EVER, they’re all open and ready for you!

I’ve listed them all below, in order of freemium to premium, along with a good stab at describing each in just ONE sentence:

1. ACAC’s Free Video Training Series

In these three vids (plus a new bonus checklist I just created!), I’ll walk you through 1), the SIMPLEST way to attract plenty of dream clients (without feeling like a manipulative cheeseball), 2) six simple tips for writing your OWN great copy (you see how I like SIMPLE, right??), and 3) the crown jewel — how to write an about page you actually WANT people to read.

Get right-this-instant access at


2. The One Sentence Workbook

If my most popular blog post of all time, Lesson 3 of A Course About Copy, and the gorgeously styled ACAC workbook had a (delightfully) affordable love child to help you describe your genius in one clear sentence, The One Sentence Workbook would be it.

Get the deets (+ your copy!) at

3. ACAC Prep School

This is a concentrated mini-course made up of 20 super-efficient micro-lessons created to help you boost your skills, confidence, and income through your writing as you decide if the full version of ACAC is right for you and your business.

Click to get the full scoop at

4. THE REAL-DEAL A Course About Copy

The full course is basically my brain in OptimizePress – eight video lessons of step-by-step, page-by-page guidance to help you write your site, attract your dream clients, and actually ENJOY the process (PLUS an amazing FB community, a gorgeous workbook, & a brand new bonus library worth its digi-weight in GOLD – you know).

To check it out, visit


See what I did up there? Step 3, baby. I TOLD you about ’em :)

Now it’s YOUR turn!

In the comments below, tell me:

How would you describe your signature product, program, or service in ONE clear sentence?

Don’t worry about perfection. Or if you spill into two clear sentences. Just SHARE it. Tell me (and everyone else reading this) about what you’ve got to offer!

Remember: You can’t sell a secret.

To the profitable opposite of income hibernation,

P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to see new videos before I’ve had time to turn them into blog posts ;)

Grab the conversational copy cheat sheet to write copy that sounds like you.
join my VIP list to stay in(box) touch.


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a list of my favorite things right now.


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