Oh, launching.

Just the WORD can induce anxiety in a less-than-organized entrepreneur like… me ;)

Truth is – putting something you’ve created out into the world can be totally nerve-wracking.

(And when there are a squillion moving parts to consider, that’s not a surprise.)

That said – it doesn’t HAVE to feel that way.

Legend has it that while some craziness is inevitable, it IS possible to maintain sanity during a launch.

And I’m determined to prove it to myself in my next promo season for A Course About Copy.

In my optimistic mind, there are three keys to launching like a big girl.

Let’s discuss.

In this video, we’ll cover:

  • how creating, launching, and delivering a course is like creating, laboring, and delivering a human :)
  • why I’m so determined to get a grip this time
  • EXACTLY what I’m focusing on to develop a launch system we can repeat over and over in years to come
  • who + what to include in your launch strategy
  • the one critical piece of the puzzle you CANNOT delegate

Click below to watch (or take a listen):



It’s easy to grab onto goals (and it’s definitely important to have metrics and quantitative intel to help guide decisions), BUT for me, this launch season is about the experience (as it relates to the people and the program, of course).

I want to prove to myself (and my team o’ pros) that we can do a fun, organized “big girl launch” without going insane, writing emails til 2am, and missing out on GREAT opportunities because I didn’t plan ahead.

If you KNOW you’ve got a promo coming up, map + schedule it out at least a month or two (or three!) ahead of time.

Do a brain sneeze and document a tropical brainstorm of allllll the moving parts currently taking up space between your ears. Get it OUT of your head and onto paper.

THEN start to piece it together on a timeline and start thinking of folks who can help you with the various pieces.

Once you’ve gone through it and taken great notes, you’ll have your very OWN go-to, this-is-how-we-do system(s) that you can plug ‘n’ play whenever you want to do another promo.

Every time you do it, the process will get easier, more efficient, and oh HEY – more profitable!


Amy Porterfield’s ridiculously (I mean RIDICULOUSLY) Valuable Podcast #062
Sidenote: My business wants to be as organized as Amy’s when it grows up. Love her.
Carrie Green’s 10-Step Launch Blueprint
David Siteman Garland’s 7-Step Course Creation + Promo Checklist

(Warning: Each of these sites can lead you down a rabbit hole of goodness – so go in on a mission!)


I’m talking people AND technology here. You don’t have to do this by yourself.

Hire a VA to help you manage the projects, coordinate your social media content, create pages, whatev.

Hire someone who’s an Infusionsoft (MailChimp, Aweber) genius to help you map out what goes out to whom and when.

Hire a designer and/or developer to help you get your sales pages + landing pages up.

On that note – in case you haven’t met yet, allow me to introduce you to LeadPages.

I resisted it for years because I’m so emotionally attached to my branding and wasn’t sure if I’d get the look I wanted, but SPOILER ALERT: I can!

I just started using it yesterday to create THIS landing (+ thank you) page for my newly restyled Conversational Copy Cheat Sheet, and I can already tell I’ll be obsessed with it for this promo season and beyond. (Can do a tutorial for you once I’m on the other side of the launch rainbow! ;))

Back to support from people – have your biz buddies on call and ready to snap you back to reality when your fear gets a grip – or to make you laugh on a tech-allergic day.

Also seek support from the people who are ALREADY your customers. Make it fun for them to be part of the experience – your wins are their wins and vice versa!


LeadPages – for taking DIY landing pages to the next (very customizable + high-converting) level
Slack – for keeping all team communication in one central location
Facebook – for finding + connecting with biz buddies and customers :)


Take care of YOU. You are your most valuable asset in all of this, and burnout is not cute.

SLEEP: Schedule set work hours (and be realistic about ‘em) so you have mini-daily deadlines and incentive to work smart.

Before heading to bed each night, write down what’s on deck for the next day so that you can rest KNOWING you’ve got time and space to get it all done. Limit yourself to one lil piece of paper and keep it REALISTIC.

BONUS: Once you’re in bed, write down what you’re grateful for for that day. Write down in present tense how you want to feel during this launch or promo. Your mind will get to work thinking of how it can help you turn that vision into a reality while you snooze. (I just started doing this recently and I love it!)

MOVE: Step away from the desk + laptop. Get out of your head and into your bod.

I recently hired a personal trainer for the first time to get some accountability – largely because I want to feel strong + energetic throughout my pregnancy. The side benefit is that it feels GREAT to know I won’t spend every waking hour working while my little man is having fun at preschool. Me time is important.

When you start moving more, you’ll be inspired to fuel your body with better nutrition – which is also really important!

(Big girls are never “too busy” to eat a good lunch.)

PLAY: Schedule time for fun. Put on those party pants. Work will be there when you get back.

If you don’t schedule it in (and ideally involve other people), you WON’T DO IT. There will always be another sneaky little to-do that will take “just a minute”…and next thing you know, your three-year-old will look up at you and say, “No, Mommy – don’t sit down to worrrrk again!” And your heart will break.

I’m 100% confident you don’t want that to happen.

Ideas for playtime: Color in one of the many beautiful adult coloring books (or your toddler’s. whatev).

DATE NIGHT! (Please, for the love of those of us who don’t get that opportunity often enough – and of course for the love of your actual loved one – GO ON A DATE!)

Throw a dance party – solo or with friends. Lights on, lights off – your call.

Take an art class.

Be a tourist in your own city.

ANYTHING to give your brain a break and let the inspiration sneak in the back door while you’re not paying attention.



There’s a season for everything. Even launches.

This is NOT your only shot.

This is just ONE piece of the puzzle of your business, which is ONE piece of the puzzle of your life.

Don’t lose sight of what’s really important — like your connection to the people who actually share a roof with you, WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, and WHY you love to serve who you love to serve.

Also, remember that even if someone doesn’t join you this round, that doesn’t mean she WON’T later on.

Many members of my ACAC fam join the first time they hear about it, but many MORE have taken a few rides on my launch ferris wheel before joining the party – and that’s fine.

Everything you do right now is worth it. You’re planting the seeds, building the relationship – showing what you’re made of. It all counts, and there’s something valuable to be learned in every step along the way.

Trust that when you listen to the hunches and do the work (incorporating these three keys, of course!), alllllll the right dream clients and customers who are yours by divine right will hop on board at JUST the right time.

And just like the hokey pokey – that’s what it’s all about.


In the comments below, share:

Which of these keys are you most excited to focus on during your next launch or promo?

Got any big girl launch tips to share among friends?


To navigating biz puberty with a sense of direction and a sense of humor,

P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to see new videos before I’ve had time to turn them into blog posts ;)

P.P.S. If you’re a MAN, not at all interested in a big girl launch – please:
a) know that I default to feminine pronouns because clunky s/he and him/her slashes drive me kooky,
b) know that I love dudes (carrying one with me 24/7 at the moment ;)), and you are TOTALLY welcomed in this space, and
c) if none of the above bothers you and you’d like to stick around – know that these keys apply to big BOY launches too ;)

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