re: FEAR. of success. and failure. *replace “NYT best-seller” with your fear du jour.
My best advice (based on a method I’m LOVING so much I’m getting trained to use it w clients in my biz): go all the way with your what ifs here + balance out your perceptions of both scenarios.
Fear is a lop-sided perception we get when we’re not seeing both sides of something. Gotta zoom out for more perspective.
Both potential outcomes seem extreme right now, but if you reeeeeally look (think: brain cells doing bicep curls), you’ll find benefits and drawbacks of each scenario.
Helps if you know your highest values to start – what you TRULY care about most (as evidenced by your life – how you spend your time, money, convos, thoughts, how you fill your space, etc. – these 13 Qs from John Demartini).
Either way – dedicate some serious time to this thought work and it’ll yield a SWEET result:
What are the drawbacks of my book becoming a NYT bestseller?
What are the benefits of it becoming one?
What are the drawbacks of my book NOT making the list?
What are the benefits of it NOT making the list?
Once you look from more angles and can see both scenarios with a more balanced perspective (like OH I can see how it would be awesome AND also require some shifts and changes, etc.)… you’re neutralizing them, taking them off the pedestal and outta the pit.
That’s when you’re FREE to move about the cabin.
Clear vision, grounded perspective, moving forward with confidence knowing you can totally handle whatever comes up.
LMK if that makes sense. I love this stuff.
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