If you’re not sure if something is a YES or NO right now (bc sometimes the “if it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no” advice isn’t that helpful)… here’s my take.
First of all – in most cases – yes and no aren’t the only options.
Could be yes. Could be no. Could be both or neither (YES with conditions, NO with conditions, totally diff idea that gets the same or even better outcome).
Your energy / inspo is your best decision-making filter.
And your energy / inspo is a direct result of time spent on / with what you (SUPER honestly) value most in this season.
And that could 100% be REST + flexibility right now.
You may have heard the phrase “protect the asset” (the asset being YOU).
If you can give yourself FULL PERMISSION to prio what has the biggest impact *on your health, energy, etc* for now (and always, really), you win.
(And in the grand scheme o’ things, when you win, we ALL do – even the people you may have temporarily seemed to “disappoint” with your no thanks.)
When I prioritize what I truly value (which is the stuff I’d love to do even if nobody TOLD / asked me to, seemingly minor as it may be), I get the best return on energetic investment.
Truly truly the best contribution we can make comes from honoring what inspires us most.
For everything else there’s mastercard (slash someone else who can / will gladly fill that role).
You’ll know it’s one of those low value said-yes-out-of-obligation things when you’re using language like “should, have to” etc.
And it’s totally normal for something to start as a YES then morph into a should over time. Has def happened to me before.
I’m a firm believer there’s a clear, honest, humane way to say anything + everything. Doesn’t have to be sugar-coated, lengthy, or aggressive.
As the saying goes – “no” is a complete sentence.
(I mean technically it’s NOT, but you get the idea ;))
If you’re in a word pickle like that and you’re not sure how to say no or release yourself from a prior commitment (that you’re not legally obligated to fulfill #nuance) with integrity – ask a trusted friend, mentor, or coach for outside perspective in creating a draft – then SEND IT and close the dang loop.
Point is – you have more choices than it SEEMS at first glance.
A no to one thing is a YES to another, and vice versa.
My best advice: say yes to YOU as often as possible. ❤️
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