Despite a mega makeover and some *ahem* pretty effective copy, I made a HUGE mistake with my website in 2014.
I’ll never know exactly how much it “cost” me – but I’m confident it’s in the thousands.
Or tens of ’em.
Today I’m going to tell you a) what it was, and b) how to avoid it.
Let’s do this.
In this video, you’ll learn:
Click below to watch (or take a listen):
As a business owner, your website IS your 24/7 storefront. Make sure you’ve got your best stuff in the window. (Tweet that!)
Sharing great free content is a highly effective way to build credibility and establish the ol’ know, like, and trust factor with your audience.
No doubt.
But make no mistake here: you’re running a BUSINESS.
And the ultimate point of establishing credibility is to exchange value with the right folks. To make sales.
You can’t sell a secret, friend! (Tweet that)
Make sure it’s OBVIOUS how people can work with you.
It’s sounds so simple, but it’s not always EASY.
It took me MONTHS to finally update my Work with Me page with a way to actually pay me. People had to really be proactive and seek me OUT if they wanted to sign up for a 1:1 session or ACAC for a while there. (Sounds so redonk in retrospect, I realize.)
When I look back, my main excuses for NOT updating the sales page were:
1) I thought I could ONLY introduce people to ACAC through the free video series. This is true and a great practice for most folks who are NEW to my corner of the internet, but there are several THOUSAND people who now know about it and may come to my site looking to buy it when the time is right. If it’s not there when they need it, they may not take the time to ASK before looking for another solution. I like knowing it’s THERE for those who look now.
2) I couldn’t make the visual changes myself, so it didn’t FEEL easy. Love my site. But certain parts ‘n’ pages are reeeeally custom, and I feel like I’m sewn into it. I let the “ack I need to find help” excuse hold me back for WAY too long. Once I had help, all I had to do was write the copy, mock up the design in PowerPoint (#classy), and BOOM: was born :)
Potential excuses YOU may have (for hosting a museum vs. a storefront) and how to get over them:
In the comments below, share:
What keeps YOU from opening up for (real, paid) business, if anything?
In a sentence or two, tell us: What’s your signature offer (that’s available NOW on your site)?
NOTE: When you leave your comment, use your “storefront” URL in the “website” field. That way, when someone clicks your name, she can easily find the offer you’re talking about.
To the EASY exchange of great value,
P.S. If you liked this post + want to help me spread the word by using the links below to share it with your buddies, I would greatly appreciate it! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you’d like to see new videos before I’ve had time to turn them into blog posts ;)
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