I’m gonna be really honest here.
I’ve thought about quitting my business on more than one occasion this year.
The thoughts don’t last long…but they’ve been there.
Should I shut down ACAC?
What on earth am I doing with Naptime Empires?
Do I really want to put myself (+ my family) through the unpredictability of entrepreneurship?
Answer key: nope, not sure (+ that’s okay), YES.
I had a really extraordinary first year in business.
I had a great SECOND year in business.
Third year was pretty impressive too (especially considering deployments + pregnancy).
Fourth year is off to a….character-building…. start.
Lower lows, lower highs, and a big realization:
Success is not a sprint.
And while breaks are important + necessary at times, quitting is not an option for me.
I will POWER WALK my way to the hypothetical finish line if I need to.
If you’re feeling frustrated that you’re not getting “there” fast enough, this video is for you.
In it I share three tips to embrace your inner (#ninja)tortoise and feel good about making slow(er) but steady progress.
Click below to watch (or take a listen):
#spoileralert – The tortoise wins.
Here are three ways you can embrace your inner tortoise and start making slow, but steady, progress in your business:
When you’re tackling a big project, like creating a course or a new website, it can feel overwhelming.
Don’t let “there’s just SO much to do” be an excuse that keeps you from moving forward.
As long as you know that project supports your goals (if you’re not sure, I know a guy who can help you with that ;)), break it down into baby steps.
If …nay…WHEN you’re feeling stuck, embrace your inner What About Bob? and map out the baby steps.
After you’ve got your list of baby steps, it’s time to set deadlines.
Realistic ones that light a spark under your buns but don’t suck the fun out of the journey.
(We don’t want you passing out as you cross the finish line. That just won’t do.)
Someday ain’t a day of the week.
Add the baby steps to your calendar and make them REAL.
NOTE: You don’t have to attempt #allthethings today (read The One Thing if you need help narrowing down which things matter most), but DO slap a timeline on your to-dos so you can rest easily knowing their day will come. Literally.
Throughout this year I’ve made slow but steady progress bringing Naptime Empires to life by enlisting the help of other people.
For legal stuff. For photography. For development. For podcast setup.
Even though I’m STILL not sure where I’m going with this new project, I know I’m goin’ somewhere with it and these are all pieces of the puzzle that I will want and need in place eventually.
And so I babystep.
When other people are involved and waiting on ME to do my part so they can do THEIRS, I get ish done.
You will too.
Whether you’re accountable to people you’ve hired, or to your mama, you need to enlist people who will meet you at the metaphorical marathon checkpoints and throw a “woohoo!” and some Gatorade your way.
When you’re feeling frustrated that things aren’t moving as fast as you want – that you’re not getting the results you want right outta the gate – that it’s working so well for so-and-so but not you…
Snap out of it, dude.
Zoom out for a minute.
Just because things aren’t EASY and quick, are you seriously willing to quit?
Pack up your toys and go home?
NOPE. You are NOT goin’ out like that.
You’re gonna hit the reset button, lace up your shoes, and start walkin’.
Doesn’t have to be a sprint.
It can be a TOTALLY AWKWARD-looking power walk, in fact.
You could cartwheel. Take a break and sit on the curb.
Get a mysterious second wind and sprint for a few.
Feel a little nauseous and call your mom for a pep talk.
Skip out for a potty break.
But then you get back on course, start the clock, put one foot in front of the other, and keep movin’ to the next checkpoint so your support team has the opportunity to cheer you across the finish line.
This entrepreneurial stuff isn’t easy or EVE-RY-ONE would do it.
Remember that you CHOSE this path. Every day you can choose this.
In the comments below, tell me:
What’s ONE meaningful baby step you’ll take to move forward TODAY?
Do the darn thing, friend. #likeaninjatortoise.
P.S. Speaking of baby steps….almost two months ago I created a FB group called “The Naptime Empires Playground,” and I’ve just now worked up the nerve + energy to share the link with folks. #takethatResistance! If you’d like behind-the-scenes scoop, ideas, and inspiration as I create the first season of the Naptime Empires™ podcast (+ whatever comes after that), sign up here + I’ll send the link right over: www.naptimeempires.com
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