If you’re thinking about launching a product, program, or service into the world (and you know you’re THINKING about it a bit too much)…
This one’s for you.
I recently wrapped up a launch of my signature move, my flagship program, A Course About Copy.
While I absolutely had some late nights and “are we there yet? because I’m TIRED” moments, it was a clear success in my book for a few different reasons:
+ We welcomed over 100 new dream students to the ACAC fam.
+ We welcomed thousands of new subscribers to my email list.
+ While it’s all still a bit messy at this point, we documented every step along the way. (That alone was a HUGE win for a traditionally disorganized launcher like me!)
Through it all, it’s become VERY obvious to me that there’s ONE simple secret to a successful launch.
And that’s what I wanna share with you today.
Click below to watch (or take a listen):
The secret to a successful launch is to LEARN FROM IT.
Regardless of how the numbers play out.
Even if you felt like a loony toon and technology was actively working against you just about every step of the way.
Even if you stayed up way too late and can think of a squillion things you’d like to change about your video series.
As long as you can LEARN from those lessons (+ use them to inform your next move), it’s a win.
And if you appreciate my tendency to oversimplify otherwise overwhelmingly complicated processes, here are TWO simple steps to a successful launch:
You can’t sell a secret. Don’t sit on the sidelines out of fear that you don’t know what you’re doing.
(Nobody REALLY knows what s/he’s doin’ the first time around!)
Get that first pancake outta the way. Work out the kinks. See what works, what doesn’t.
Remember: You can’t steer a parked car.
(Don’t know who first said that, but it’s a great illustration.)
Once you get movin’, you’ll discover Qs you wouldn’t have even known to ASK if you were still stuck in prep mode.
And you WILL figure. it. out.
As the great John Michael Montgomery once sang:
Life’s a dance, you learn as you go. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don’t worry about what you don’t know; life’s a dance – you learn as you go.
Take that first step in faith, buddy.
I promise: You’ll learn as you go.
I’ve launched ACAC a squillion different ways – free video series, free Facebook group, free webinar, a combo of all of the above, and even just a few emails.
TRUST me: I understand the urge to overcomplicate this, but you don’t need to.
Pick a strategy that makes sense to you (given the resources you’ve got right now).
Try it.
Take notes as you go (because if you wait til AFTER, your brain may be mush).
Document what worked, what didn’t, write down any ideas you’d like to try for next time, and give yourself some breathing room to celebrate your successful launch.
That is, the one launch you WENT FOR and learned from :)
YOU get to define what a successful launch means to you.
If your launch brings in…
Your first customer(s) – that’s a win.
More customers than last time – that’s a win.
More SLEEP than last time – that’s a win.
Less STRESS than last time – that’s a win.
Fewer accidental broken links in your emails – that’s a win.
More support + documented systems – that’s a win.
In the divinely timed words of Todd Herman, creator of The 90-Day Year:
“You’ve done the hardest thing, most people on this planet will never do.
You bet on yourself!
You ACTUALLY put money, time, & self-esteem on the line and launched something.
Do you even know how crazy that is?
You’re not normal! You’re weird. Embrace it.
It’s your ‘weirdness’ that will be your greatest source of inspiration and keep you going when others would quit.
Regular people let the voice in the head; judging every single one of their moves, cripple them.
Not you. Not today.”
Spill the beans in the comments below:
What’s are some of your most valuable launch lessons learned?
Got any pre-launch jitters we can help you settle?
To quote my fave new (10-year-old) show Friday Night Lights:
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.
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