If you’ve yet to “pick a word,” fill out a reflective journal, create a vision board, host your moon ceremony, and / or complete that special task you thought you’d blow through this week, I ask you to consider the RADICAL possibility that YOU ARE NOT BEHIND.
Yes, we’re in the second week of January.
The start of a whole new decade (according to some).
And no, you haven’t missed the figurative boat.
In fact, the way I see it these days, you actually CANNOT miss *your* figurative boat.
Life is precious. So is your energy.
If you’re not feeling particularly inspired by a word, a project, or commitment right now (and you’re feeling like something’s a bit wrong with you as a result), you don’t HAVE to force and fake it.
When you’re feeling spinny / directionless, it’s okay to just chill out and just BE for a minute – to let yourself get quiet, still, and clear.
The rush is often self-imposed.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve (finally) learned over the past few years is that things flow SO MUCH EASIER when I follow my inspiration instead of forcing it.
That doesn’t mean waiting around for the inspiration fairy, either; it just means paying closer attention to the signs and signals my body, my intuition (+ maybe even my friends and fam!) are sending my way.
If you pause long enough to ask yourself:
What do I REALLY need right now?
What’s the next right step here?
You may give yourself space to realize that you’re just TIRED and need more sleep, to try different foods, or to take time away from the screen.
You may realize you need some in-person connection time, to delete your social media apps, and / or to schedule a digi-coworking date with a friend to close that HUGE, deeply meaningful open loop that’s been hanging over your head for quite some time. << Okay that last one was me. I’ll fill you in next week!
It’s not weird to trust that when you take just ONE inspired step at a time, your calendar and Asana to-do list will sort themselves out in perfect time.
It’s WISE.
In summary, you’re the star of this show, and you can’t eff it up.
I genuinely believe that. Enough for the both of us, if needed ;)
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